Marc T. J. Johnson [] Ph.D. (he/him) Professor and Canada Research Chair Depts. of Biology & EEB Director, Centre for Urban Environments (CUE) University of Toronto – Mississauga, Tina A. Barbasch [] Postdoctoral Researcher Department of Evolution, Ecology and Behavior University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL , Jarle Tufto suggested: A couple of local phd students/postdocs working in ecology and evolution that may be suitable as reviews:, Jarle Tufto suggested:, Jarle Tufto suggested:, Suzanne Bonamour [] suggested: Suggestion : Maria Moiron (, Suzanne Bonamour [] suggested: ------------------------------------------------, Suzanne Bonamour [] suggested: Bonjour Pierre,, Suzanne Bonamour [] suggested: Merci pour la proposition, mais le sujet de l'article me semble assez éloigné de mes competences actuelles; et je suis pas mal chargée en ce moment (je viens de commencer un nouveau postdoc)., Suzanne Bonamour [] suggested: Peut-être une prochaine fois,, Suzanne Bonamour [] suggested: Bonne journée,, Suzanne Bonamour [] suggested: Suzanne, Maria Moiron [] suggested: David Fisher, , Maria Moiron [] suggested: Francesca Santostefano, , Tina Barbasch [] suggested: Rebecca Branconi:, Tina Barbasch [] suggested: Robin Francis:, Francesca Santostefano [] suggested: Jordan Martin, Francesca Santostefano [] suggested: Barbara Class, Francesca Santostefano [] suggested: Anne Hertel, Francesca Santostefano [] suggested: Drew Sauve, Marlène Gamelon [] suggested: Dr. Stefan Vriend:, Simon Evans [] suggested: Charlotte Regan, Simon Evans [] suggested: Ryan Germain, Simon Evans [] suggested: Jane Reid, Charlotte Regan [] suggested: Eleanor Cole <>, Drew Sauve suggested: I appreciate the authors clarification of their methods and justification of their approach in this revision of the article. I have only a few minor comments to be addressed., Drew Sauve suggested: Line 95-96: Perhaps an important clarification is that it is a small proportion of the variation that is attributable to genetic variation. I think you could argue that Bonnet et al. 2022 found substantial genetic variation (at least enough that in theory could contribute to some demographic change?). , Drew Sauve suggested: Line 99-100: I think you can remove the first part of this sentence. I think we rarely identify the ecological drivers, not only when little or no genetic variation is found. , Drew Sauve suggested: Line 188: Be specific with the word “This”. It is not clear what exact concern you are referring to here., Drew Sauve suggested: Line 371: Be specific with “This”. What is in line?
No need for them to be recommenders of PCIEvolBiol. Please do not suggest reviewers for whom there might be a conflict of interest. Reviewers are not allowed to review preprints written by close colleagues (with whom they have published in the last four years, with whom they have received joint funding in the last four years, or with whom they are currently writing a manuscript, or submitting a grant proposal), or by family members, friends, or anyone for whom bias might affect the nature of the review - see the code of conduct